Guiding our organisation
To demonstrate and promote high standards of ethical business behaviour we guide colleagues to know and follow our Code of Conduct with pride.
Always doing the right thing is at the heart of our culture and underpinned by our Values of Integrity and Respect.
Our comprehensive Code of Conduct and supporting policies, including Whistle-blowing, Anti-Bribery and Corruption, Group Sanctions and Human Rights policies, set standards for ensuring that our business activities are conducted in a responsible manner for the benefit of our shareholders, customers, colleagues and suppliers.
Our Whistle-blowing Policy together with Safecall, our secure whistle-blowing facility, guides colleagues on how to make reports if they suspect anything inappropriate or experience any misconduct or wrongdoing in our business. The facility, hosted by Safecall, an independent provider, enables colleagues to report concerns via a web portal or by telephone, anonymously if preferred.
Our independent whistle-blowing facility is managed by the Group General Counsel and is advertised at all operating sites. Concerns are investigated by the Group General Counsel or another senior manager as appropriate. The Board also receives reports from the Group General Counsel if any concerns have been raised via the Policy.
Anti-Bribery and Corruption (ABC)
Spirax Group has zero tolerance to any form of bribery and corruption, both within our Group and in any dealings with our customers, suppliers and other third parties. We will not enter into contractual relationships with third parties who are known to engage in corrupt practices and we will not be involved in giving or receiving bribes or favours.
Our Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy is explained to colleagues through our ABC training module. The training is issued to colleagues via our Group Essentials training programme and is available in 16 key languages.
In line with our Gifts, Entertainment and Hospitality Policy, we also maintain an online gift register, where colleagues are expected to record gifts, to ensure our conduct is in keeping with the highest ethical expectations and always within the law.
View our Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy and our Gifts, Entertainment and Hospitality Policy.
Group sanctions
Spirax Group complies with all economic sanctions, laws, regulations, embargoes or restrictive measures which is communicated to all colleagues via our Sanctions Policy. We also operate a screening process for our counterparties.
Modern slavery and human trafficking
We respect and protect human rights and will not tolerate modern slavery or human trafficking in any of our operations, including through our supply chain.
The Group’s Modern Slavery Statement reflects the Group’s Values and the interplay between those Values and our commitment to the mission behind the UK Modern Slavery Act. It explains how we operate to the highest ethical standards across our global Businesses.